Did you know?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2021), research suggests that although school districts are able to hire prospective teachers to “do” the job in its most basic functions.

However, the lack of ongoing, quality professional development to support unique areas of practice leaves new hires with no sense of loyalty to remain at that school. Additionally, when new hires leave a school after their first contractual year, administrative teams subsequently return back to their starting points for filling a highly-qualified teaching position. 



teacher shortages

“69% of districts without teacher shortages report having high or very high retention rates, compared to only 42% of those with shortages.”

“69% of districts without teacher shortages report having high or very high retention rates, compared to only 42% of those with shortages.”

 Educator Survey


Teacher Preparation Graduates

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Enrollment numbers are decreasing drastically, some programs even plunging to a 5% enrollment rate.

According to the U.S Department of Education National Teacher Preparation Data (2021),

a state-by-state analysis concludes that states with proactive approaches to improve teacher retention, despite having overall population decreases, experienced steady, or increased enrollment into teacher preparation programs. States like Massachusetts and North Dakota experienced decreases in their total state populations from 1-18%; however over the last decade, they’ve been able to increase their enrollment and graduation rates within their non-traditional and traditional teacher preparation programs. In contrast, states like Georgia over the last ten years have concluded that 2, 852 fewer new teachers graduated from teacher preparation programs causing those same programs to plunge in enrollment numbers by 5.7%. 


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Don’t neglect the opportunity of receiving proactive, instructional support

Are you or someone you know struggling to “shine” during the typical classroom evaluation?

If so, allow CollabED Solutions to eliminate the stressors of potentially leaving this noble profession and help you elevate your teaching experiences during your next observation!